Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

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Step into infinite possibilities. Experimentation powered by 8.

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Step into infinite possibilities. Experimentation powered by 8.

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

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Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

Shop The Look

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

"As teenagers, it's so important that we find ways to unwind.

That goes for our minds and our bodies, especially as our muscles are growing!"

Issey Kyson

Stay Iconic in These Kicks ❤️‍🔥

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings
Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

Your Bra for Yoga 🧘‍♀️

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

"As teenagers, it's so important that we find ways to unwind.

That goes for our minds and our bodies, especially as our muscles are growing!"

Issey Kyson

Move with Confidence 🙌

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

Nike Shoe Finder

Wanna run? Let's Start with the shoes

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

Bra Fit Guide

Find the sports bra that works for you

Move with Confidence 🙌

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

Nike Shoe Finder

Wanna run? Let's Start with the shoes

Nike Teens: your home of the latest fashion, inspiration and real feelings

Bra Fit Guide

Find the sports bra that works for you