Last updated: 7 August 2023
4 min read

Forest Frequencies

For the Forest Frequencies series, we used environmental recordings from areas partly restored through WeForest and Nike’s combined efforts. Weaving natural sounds into meditative instrumentals, we invite you to sit back and dive in with captivating visuals inspired by sightings of animals and plants in the restored parts of the Atlantic forest. Listen in as we take you on a journey starting firmly on the forest floor, then flowing gently through its heart and finally, lifting you high up among the treetops. As you drift through the clouds, imagine the forest below, as each corner is home to a unique array of species.

Grounding & Opening

Using a blend of field recordings captured in the base of the Atlantic Forest by Rainforest Connection, we’ve created a soundscape that takes you deep into its base. Play the video above and listen as an orchestra of crickets joins the solitary tinamou’s call in a soothing forest jam. You can take this moment to ground yourself in a meditative instrumental that channels the sounds of raindrops, creaking branches and the songs of forest birds.

Through our collective reforestation efforts, we’re helping more native species find their way back home. We even spotted jaguar footprints in one of our restored polygons —exciting news given that a decrease in territory is what’s thought to have caused the near-threatened species’ population decline.

Balancing & Growing

The heart of the forest is where motion meets stillness, so sit back, relax and enjoy the lively forest choir captured by Rainforest Connection. In this episode, we weave recordings from natives like the toco toucan, the white-browed meadowlark and the capuchin monkey. Throughout the year, these and other species rely on the forest to feed, migrate and diversify their gene pool. They also further support our reforestation efforts as seeds from their droppings help the regeneration of even more plants and trees.

Play the video above to find your stability as you listen to this soothing, lush instrumentation and let birdsong take you to new heights.

Rising & Drifting

Rising to the forest’s upper layer, you can drift and soar with the songs of native species captured by Rainforest Connection. Listen to the calls of birds like the tropical screech owl, the helmeted manakin and the white-throated woodcreeper, blended in a mix of gentle forest sounds. Play the video above and rise up with a cooling, meditative soundscape that channels the Atlantic forest’s upper layer —where birds flutter and treetops move with the wind. While tall, mature forest trees are a home to many species, smaller trees, like the fast-growing embaúba, serve as food forTapirs who often break the tree in half to reach its fresh leaves. Not to worry though, as the embaúba is quick to resprout and the friendly mammals aid our work by planting even more seeds through their droppings.

These are some of the species spotted in areas that WeForest and Nike are helping to restore.

Nike ⨉ WeForest: Growing Together

We’re working side-by-side with WeForest in our commitment to support local communities and help protect animals through reforestation. With our collaboration, we’re planting the seeds for a more sustainable future —together, we’ve funded the planting and growth of over 1 million trees.

Forest Frequencies: Atlantic Forest Soundscapes
Forest Frequencies: Atlantic Forest Soundscapes
Forest Frequencies: Atlantic Forest Soundscapes

Learn more about our partnership with WeForest and discover more about our journey to help protect the future of sport below.

Originally published: 7 August 2023