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Ja 2 "Tree Top"

Light Silver and Metallic Gold

Tallas de: 25 cm a 30 cm.
Este diseño especial con escarcha y tonos dorados rinde homenaje a los altos abetos, robles y arces que él decora con regularidad, para ofrecerles a los fanáticos un regalo que no tiene precio.
Ja puts in the work to be great so he can be at his best when the game's on the line. That's why we gave the Ja 2 a lighter design. We removed as much material in the arch as possible without sacrificing support, which helps reduce the overall weight of the shoe. It works with Air Zoom cushioning to help keep him fresh when he's in the lab. And the tractor tire-inspired traction helps him change direction with ease. Ja’s about that grind. Are you?
SKU: FV6070-002

Ja 2 "Tree Top" 'Light Silver and Metallic Gold' (FV6070-002) Release Date
Ja 2 "Tree Top" 'Light Silver and Metallic Gold' (FV6070-002) Release Date