Last updated: May 26, 2020


Be More Present in your Practice

By Nike Training

These strategies will help you tune in and get back to your center.

During our day-to-day lives, it’s easy to get caught up in our own thoughts, especially at the moment. In this video, Nike Master Trainers, Branden Collinsworth and Alex Silver-Fagan, share their tips on how to stay mindful and present, no matter what the situation is. Learn how to deal with stress, improve your performance, and refocus on what’s really important using these simple strategies.

Yoga and mindfulness have the power to ground us in the present — reminding us of what we already have and who we already are. So the next time you feel your thoughts sliding into worry about the future, or regret about the past, take a minute to breathe and refocus. Nike Master Trainers, Branden Collinsworth and Alex Silver-Fagan, are here to show you how to be more mindful in your yoga practice, and in everyday life.

Be More Present In Your Practices

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Be More Present In Your Practices

Join Nike Training Club

Access our world-class experts and trainers to help you stay active and healthy.

Originally published: May 26, 2020