Emma Raducanu: Letting Go of Perfect


To be the best tennis player she can be, Emma Randucanu is learning that perfection just doesn’t exist.

Last updated: 13 June 2022
3 min read

When you’re on the world stage it can feel like there’s no room for mistakes. But Emma Raducanu knows there’s no such thing as perfection; to truly grow you have to let go and jump into the unknown.

For our latest ‘What Are You Working On?’ film we met up with Bromley’s finest tennis pro, Emma Raducanu. She took us to the first tennis court she ever played on and shared with us her earliest memories of wanting to be the best. “I was such a little perfectionist. I’d go crazy if I didn’t hit the ball in the right place.”

But a lot has happened since then and she’s learned that perfection isn’t a destination. The journey of progress comes with lots of highs and lows — that’s just how reaching your goals works. “I think definitely that (perfection) mindset has helped me get to any sort of result I’ve achieved… (but) learning to let go has helped me connect with the Emma that I want to be and the Emma that I am right now.”

Emma Raducanu: Letting Go of Perfection

She grabbed her first major tennis title at the age of 18, becoming the second-youngest player to ever win the US Open. “After winning everyone just expected me to win every single tournament I was ever gonna play again.” But Emma knows there are never guarantees in sport, “I think it’s a bit unrealistic because perfection just doesn’t exist.”

We’ve all had those moments when we feel pressured to be the best at something, whether it’s sports, school or whatever you’re working towards. But letting go of perfect means being OK with making mistakes and having the confidence to take risks — on and off-court. Because the best way to learn is by putting yourself out there. “If you’re always perfect and looking good you’re not actually pushing yourself and doing things that you can’t do yet, that will improve you.”

Emma Raducanu: Letting Go of Perfection

We’re all on a journey. And for Emma that journey is clear — she’s working hard to focus on progress over perfection. “When I let go of perfect it gives an edge to my game and helps me enjoy the journey I’m on,” she says.

Watch how Emma’s pushing herself to let go of perfect in her ‘What Are You Working On?’ film. And discover other Nike athlete* stories to inspire you.

Originally published: 13 June 2022