Baby, toddler, younger kids' football clothing

Use the chart below to determine your child's size based on height and average age.

Scroll horizontally to see more sizes.

Younger kids
Height (in.)38 - 4141 - 4343 - 45.545.5 - 4848 - 50
Chest (in.)20.75 - 2222 - 2323 - 2424 - 24.7524.75 - 26
Waist (in.)21.25 - 2222 - 22.7522.75 - 23.2523.25 - 23.523.5 - 24
Hip (in.)22 - 2323 - 2424 - 24.7524.75 - 2626 - 27.5
Baby and toddler
Height (in.)23.5 - 25.525.5 - 27.527.5 - 29.529.5 - 31.531.5 - 33.533.5 - 35.535.5 - 37.5
Weight (lb)6 - 14.515 - 18.519 - 2222.5 - 2525.5 - 2828.5 - 3131.5 - 34
Chest (in.)16.25 - 1717 - 17.7517.75 - 18.518.5 - 1919 - 19.7519.75 - 20.520.5 - 20.75
Waist (in.)16.5 - 17.517.5 - 18.518.5 - 1919 - 19.519.5 - 20.2520.25 - 2121 - 21.25
Hip (in.)16.5 - 17.517.5 - 18.518.5 - 1919 - 19.519.5 - 20.2520.25 - 2121 - 22