Guided Runs in the NRC App
Running fast should be fun! Yes, it’s true! And the Guided Runs in the Speed Run Collection prove it. You will find a wide variety of speed runs in this collection. There are Tempo Runs, Short Intervals, Long Intervals, Hill workouts, and Fartlek (yes, that’s spelled correctly) in the collection. There are speed runs that take 15 minutes or less and speed runs that can take an hour or more! Each Speed Run is guided from start to finish by a Nike Running Coach. Sometimes you may even have a (very) special guest with the coach. Time surely flies by with these runs… and so do the runners.
Explore Runs in this Collection
The fastest woman in the world cannot make you as as fast as her. What she CAN, do, however, is make running your fastest run enough that you'll want to do it over. And over. It's short, it's fast, it's intense — and it'll leave you wanting more.
The Tempo Run is one of the essential ingredients in any successful running recipe. Join Nike Running Global Head Coach on an 8K Tempo Run. You'll warm up 2K and then roll right into a distance based guided Tempo Run. Learning how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable is the goal of the run... well, that and having a great time doing it.
They're the most accomplished training club in America — and together they're going to lead you through an interval workout for the ages. Along the way, the Bowerman Track Club will give you their tips on surviving the hardest workouts and races.
If you can control your effort, you can control your run. Join NRC LA Coach and Nike Trail Team member Sally McRae for this great Speed Run. Coach Sally will have you start fast and then work on your control as she guides you to easier and longer efforts.
Explore Runs in this Collection
The fastest woman in the world cannot make you as as fast as her. What she CAN, do, however, is make running your fastest run enough that you'll want to do it over. And over. It's short, it's fast, it's intense — and it'll leave you wanting more.
The Tempo Run is one of the essential ingredients in any successful running recipe. Join Nike Running Global Head Coach on an 8K Tempo Run. You'll warm up 2K and then roll right into a distance based guided Tempo Run. Learning how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable is the goal of the run... well, that and having a great time doing it.
If you can control your effort, you can control your run. Join NRC LA Coach and Nike Trail Team member Sally McRae for this great Speed Run. Coach Sally will have you start fast and then work on your control as she guides you to easier and longer efforts.
This speed run may have short recovery and short intervals but it is long on awesome! Join Coach Cory Wharton-Malcolm for a workout that will have you singing your own praise by the end of it. It's going to be fast, fun and rhythm and roll.