The Secret to Endless Motivation

Last updated: December 10, 2020

By Nike Training

The Secret to Endless Motivation

Develop bottomless passion and persistence by pinpointing your training ‘why.’

What’s the real reason behind your health and wellness goals? In this article, you’ll learn how to pinpoint your ’why’, and how to use it to keep you motivated.

Feeling bored or uninspired with your workouts? It’s time to pinpoint your motivation — your training “why.” This is the real reason (or reasons) you’re showing up and putting in the work. Turning to your “why” whenever you feel over working out or like quitting altogether can inspire you to get back at it, says Nike Master Trainer Branden Collinsworth.

So, why do you train? The answer isn’t as simple as saying, “I want to look good naked” or “I want to feel less stressed.” Those may be your first, instant responses, but they’re also surface-level answers. Without unpacking what’s behind them, their power will fade fast — which is why your drive to train can also stall.

“Turning to your ‘why’ whenever you feel over working out or like quitting altogether can inspire you to get back at it”

Nike Master Trainer Branden Collinsworth

The Secret to Endless Motivation

For your “why” to actually motivate you it has to be deeply personal and have real, emotional stakes, Collinsworth says. To find it, all you need is five minutes to go through these three easy steps:

  1. Find a calm, quiet place to think.
    You don’t need hours or a special “Zen” venue — just a place where you can have uninterrupted time to dive into this question. Have pen and paper or your phone ready to jot down your thoughts, which will help you map out your responses.
  2. Ask yourself what you really want to achieve from training.
    Want to lift heavier? Run faster? In addition to the physical, think about the mental goals you may have. Write down all your initial answers.
  3. Now, dig deeper — what’s behind those responses?
    Look at your list of reasons to train, and push each until it’s tied to a raw, honest emotion. For example, if you said, “I want to be a better overall athlete,” think about why you really want that. Maybe it makes you feel stronger, more fit. And maybe being strong and fit makes you confident and happy — and these feelings make your life more fun and enjoyable. This is your why. Think of it whenever you need fuel to train.
The Secret to Endless Motivation

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The Secret to Endless Motivation

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Originally published: June 2, 2020