Prioritize Yourself First

Last updated: August 17, 2020

By Ryan Flaherty

Prioritize Yourself First

Learning how to take care of yourself, no matter what, has never been more crucial than now.

We all have time to take care of ourselves. What gets in the way for some people is prioritizing other things over exercise, like prioritizing time spent on their phones. Are you telling me if we took a hard look at your day, you couldn’t collect 20, 30, or 40 minutes from Instagram, Facebook, texting, Internet browsing, or other random moments where you’re distracted and kind of off-task?

So rather than saying what’s preventing you from exercising is “I don’t have time,” try saying “I’m not prioritizing exercise.” With that, you can take back the power and edit how you spend your time to make exercise a priority. To do that, your time spent working out has to be a non-negotiable for you. Before you say that you can’t prioritize exercise, that you have to prioritize your work or your kids first, know this: you’re doing everyone a disservice by not taking care of yourself. Exercise is proven to have both mental and physical benefits, and those make you a better employee and a better parent. They help make you the best version of yourself.

To truly change your patterns and change your life, you have to love yourself enough to make the decision to prioritize self-care. Try saying to yourself, “I matter. I'm worth it. Today, I'm going to take the time I usually spend surfing Instagram and spend it exercising.” In the long run, that's going to bring you more fulfillment than finding out whatever your old coworker or a pop star is doing that day. Make the commitment that tomorrow, you’re going to cut out that distracted phone time and prioritize your exercise instead. You deserve it.

Prioritize Yourself First

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Originally published: April 9, 2020