Get Strong as a Family
By Nike Training
A simple, fun workout to strengthen your family’s physical and mental fitness.
Ready to work on your resilience? A strong family unit can come back from anything, which is why we want to strengthen your team and build muscle for every member; from the adults to the kids.
Staying active is key to keeping us all healthy in these unusual times. We can do more than just wait for the storm to pass. We can move, stretch, and supercharge our bodies so we come back from this all stronger than ever.
Distract Your Mind
This workout is aimed at working you from the waist down, and there are some touch moves in there. Take the pressure off by playing a little family game as you train. It’ll make the time go faster so your mind isn’t just focused on the muscle.
As soon as each rep starts, take it in turns to list all the countries you can think of beginning with A. Then go down the alphabet with each different move. If someone drops their turn and goes blank, make them do a few extra reps.
Looking for more ways to keep them playing? Watch the latest Nike PLAYlist episode together, explore family workouts below or get expert advice, gear and more here.
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